a chosen people for His glory

1Pe 2:9-12 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

Monday, November 28, 2011

for He is Worthy

Father may I bear the anguish of your heart, may I know the pain that you feel when those that you came to save reject your name. Father may my heart be crushed with the burdens of your heart. Pour out my life like spikenard, like wine upon the alter for your glory, may I be like bread, broken to feed the hungry. Father take our lives and spend us, burn us up for the name of your Great Son. Father give us the passion and fire of your burning heart. Raise up the new generation of Irish Elk, take the idol sticks in our lives and burn them up that all will see the light of your great salvation. Oh Lord, give us crosses for your kingdom. And may our blood and lives pave the way for those that come behind us.
What is faith and how does it work? What does it mean to take God at His word? As I have looked into these questions in my own heart and life, I began to seek God on these things and I began to ask him to give me such a faith as in the days of old, and then it all started to make since. Faith is a child anointed of God and poured out in the midst of men and impossibilities, telling him that He is wrong, that he should go home, that this is pride. Then the young child saying to the giant that mocks and scorns His God, “who is this uncircumcised philistine that defies the armies of the living God? Then with liquid ferocity bolts towards the mocking giant of doubt and impossibilities striking it down with one swift blow to the head, and wasting no time, tares the giant's own sword from its sheath and takes off his head! Then if that was not audacious enough the young boy thrusts a stake through it and puts it in the midst of the camp, for a testimony and proclamation of his God!
This is Faith, this is the victorious Christian life, and I say that it is high time that we, once again as in the days of old GO in the name and the power of our God and King Jesus, for His glory and renown and take off the head of impossibilities!
Well what will our answer be? We have been given a challenge... no, we have been given a commandment; Go forth unto all the earth and proclaim the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter where he sends you. But wait you say, “ I am not ready, I am not qualified for this, I don't have the financial ability to Go.” and I say your right; you are not ready and you never will be qualified and have the ability in yourself, but I say rejoice for there is One who's name is Holy and worthy, who by Him nations bow down their heads and Give up their glory. His Name is Jesus! And it is by Him that we Go. it is not an easy thing, this life and this call demands you to be COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY surrendered to the will and leading of His spirit! A man once said to Jackie Pullinger, the young missionary women to Hong Kongs notorious walled city, “ if you had a sickness fund, and a job and a plane ticket, and a pension fund, and the financial stability, you would have no reason to trust in God.” do we trust Him?
this is the end of another semester and the beginning of the first day of the rest of your life, and you have the opportunity to do this 100% right. For the glory and renown of Jesus Christ.
Many of you will go home, some will stay here at Ellerslie, and some may be called other places, but we all have things and giants in our lives that defy our God. So,
Who will be the first to Go in response to the high calling of Jesus? Who will be the first to stand up against the mocking giant of impossibilities and doubt? Who will be the first to take off its head for the name of the king? Which one of you will be the first to raise up the Irish Elk standard in their generation? Will it be you, young man or women that defies the natural realm and puts in its place the reality of the will Heaven? All that opposes its self against our God will fall to the ground with a thundering crash and a glorious roar from the saints above who have gone before us, and once again the faith of old will be a reality in the lives of the saints here on this earth.
Father take us and spill us out for your Glory, raise up your men and women to go and raise High the name of Christ once again, in Might and power. where you go we'll go where you stay we’ll stay, we will follow you, who you love we'll love who you serve we'll serve, we will follow you. if this life we lose we will follow you.
Father give your men and women here, a double portion of all that Elisha had! For your glory. It is time to see the fellowship of the burning heart rise up once again, we are going up the mountain of the lord, will you follow ? “We are not sentenced to die but we are just privileged to fulfill His calling.” - Jackie Pullinger.
Father give us the anguish of your heart and the faith of old.
It is not my ability, but my response to Gods ability that counts.” - Corrie Tenboom.
First its difficult, then its impossible, then its DONE! - Hudson Taylor.
Germanicus, a young man, but a true Christian, being delivered to the wild beasts on account of his faith, behaved with such astonishing courage that several pagans became converts to a faith
which inspired such fortitude.” May we, as the next generation of Christianity have such a faith and testimony as this young man, that when we are brought before the time of death, may every one that looks upon our lives at that moment will fall on their knees in repentance for the name of Jesus Christ; for He is Worthy.
May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for His sufferings!

Friday, July 22, 2011

ellerslie summer 2011

rise up ye men of God and take the high calling of Jesus Christ which is so worthy to be proclaimed 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

the next generation of davids mighty's

davids mighty's : the men who against all odds, three men stood in defense of what God gave them and defeated thousands of Philistines. now then new generation of mighty's stand up for the truth of Gods word and take the call that anthems the very name of Jesus  
Christ, the call for the glory of God to be proclaimed, to stand up for the weak, the oppressed, and to be the an advocate for the fatherless and to be a voice to those who have none. here are the next mighty's     

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ellerslie summer 2011

what a sight, 23 baptized on june 22 2011
one week after the start of this semester, twenty-three students reckoned with the truth of Gods word and surrendered their self will and declared to the heavenly's that they are no longer bound under the old man and no longer are the slave to sin but they are in Jesus Christ and are seated at the right hand of God   

Saturday, May 28, 2011

                                                       in loving memory of Darwin Breaon

how short is the span of life, the verse " your life is but a vapor that apeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away "little Darwin died on may 26 2011 in the loving arms of his parents Jonathan and Elnora Breaon,
he died of an enlarged heart and flew home to be with his savior Jesus Christ and now dwells in the very near presence of God, may Christ receive all the glory from this little ones life and the life of his family.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

the fields are white unto harvest

where are all the laborers? where are the ones who will stand up for the depravity                                               that has spread across the land? who will be their hero?
i have been reading a book by eric ludy called wrestling prayer and in the book it talks about a hebrew word for the mighty men and women of God.... they were called the holy gibboriem, these, these were the men and women who when all els failed, they stood up in the strength and mighty power of their GOD and fought down the mighty men of darkness; these were the heros of the household of FAITH 

Noah was the first example of a strong man of God, when ALL the world had turned their backs on the God who formed them and created them, one stood in the gap their was still one that feared and lifted up the name of God,
and over the span of over a hundred years he still believed God at His word,                  
                                  where has the faith gone too? 
               where are the mighty men of God who will stand in the gap?        

david at a young age, when ALL the army's of Israel were shaking in their boots 
there was yet one who would not take defeat for an answer, he would not let the          enemy blaspheme the name of the MOST HIGH GOD!
           he cried out " who is this uncircumcised philistine mocking the name of the
                                                     MOST HIGH GOD! "                 
           when are we going to shout out the giants of sin in our own lives? 
                                  GOD'S children will NOT Fail!
we were not created to lose the battle against satan but by the power of the blood       of JESUS CHRIST which was shed for your sins on calvary is how we WILL WIN!
when we sin, we crucify Him afresh; 
                               Christ was to die once and no more!

 we are not to be defeated but VICTORIOUS by the Hand of Christ and the Father.    

Friday, May 20, 2011

family pics

sweet memories 

grandma & grandpa thanks for all the prayers

sisters maken some sweeet goooodness

baking party =)

mom & dad's 27  anniversary in Florida 

brad playing this cute pink guitar

the september youth camp out 

working hard or hardly working

luke decided that it's his turn to drive 

dad and i having a good time talking and hanging out
helping out a friend 

kathleen and grace best of friends

leelee at bible school, Praise God she got saved !!! =)

grace deeeeeeeep in thought
kathleens favorite buddy

Anne and brad, looong time no see

dumb whooly sheep with the faces of lions

by my self i am nothing, i am just a dumb little sheep and the wolf packs of satan are biting and trying to devour me as i go on through life, yet one of the worst things is, is that he has all legal right to do so; and one day he is going to come in and try to finish you and i off,
but then something wonderful happened... Christ our Great intercessor stepped in front of us and He took the torture that was rightfully ours, He took the nails and the grave that we were to have, and He broke the very powers of hell and death for us that we might be made free!
the Kings warriors
but it doesn't end there; He not only died to set us free from sin and death but He rose from the dead and He has come and knelt down and said that he wants to adopted you as His child and has work for you to do;
but wait it still doesn't end there, if we go on our own strength we will fail every time, but HE said that he will go with us and not only that but he wants to dwell in us and we IN HIM!! we have all the power to overcome sin and to be victorious over death,
                                     now lets go tread down all the powers of satan and hell
                                   by the POWER of JESUS Christ in us FOR HIS GLORY!

HUMILITY.... the character of Kings

when i look at the life of Christ and the life of the apostles, i see one common attribute that witnessed deeply in their lives, sense of integrity that could not be questioned; and that was humility... john the Baptist said " i must decrease so that He may increase" WHY?! why have i missed this so many times? the greatest mistake i can make is to have one once of pride in my life; God said that no flesh shall glory in my presence!
                                            any thing that i do if it is born of flesh of my
                          strength of my right hand IT WILL DIE! and it would have been all in vain.
                                                       WHAT AM I LIVING FOR?
                                             only for HIS glory not by my right hand 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

                                  eternity... is the thought that comes to mind 
i so many times find my self looking back on my past and the failures that i have done, 
                              so may times i walked against the King of glory;
and i am reminded every time of how much Christ gave up for my sake, He loved us so much that He left the splendor of heaven, He gave up the nearness of His father that we may be able to call HIM ours, 
why out of so many people did he choose to rescue me and you? i have heard so many people ask that question, year after year that saying still remains with me 
                      " today is the first day of the rest of your life "    
               and tomorrow is pure and free with no mistakes in it 
    may the lamb that was slain receive the 
                rewards for His suffering!